글로벌 디지털 제조혁신 컨퍼런스

  • SIMTOS 2024 글로벌 디지털 제조혁신 컨퍼런스 2024.4.1.(월)~4.5(금), KINTEX 제 2전시장 7/8홀 및 3층 세미나 룸
  • 제조업계가 직면한 공통 문제의 해결방안을 제시하고 새로운 비즈니스 모델 발굴의 기회 제공
  • 사전등록 기한: ~2024.3.29(금)
4/2(화) 4/3(수) 4/4(목) 4/5(금)

2 세션

TOPIC 3 A Big Step Towards to Autonomous Manufacturing 1

A Big Step Towards to Autonomous Manufacturing 1
제2전시장 8홀 內 컨퍼런스 룸 B
24.4.2(화) 13:00~15:20
일정 구분 강연주제 연사 참가비
4.2(화) 13:00~13:30 - Welcome Speech chair or co-chair committee -
13:30~14:20 Plenary
(세션 1)
Smart Manufacturing with a Decentralized and Distributed Regime NAMRI/SME Scientific
Committee Chair-Elect,
University of Auckland
Prof. Xun Xu
14:20~14:50 Break
14:50~15:20 Invited
(세션 2)
Novel evaluation method for motion trajectory
of machine tool feed drives based on human visual sensitivity
Nagoya University Prof.
Ryuta Sato

※ 아래의 링크를 통해 회원가입(본 행사 개최 후 해당페이지는 삭제 됨) 후 참가 신청 가능합니다.
※ 해당 컨퍼런스의 상세사항은 주관사에 문의 바랍니다.
(ICMTE 2024 사무국 02-501-9172 또는 icmte@ksmte.kr)


Welcome speech

제 2전시관 7/8홀 內 컨퍼런스 룸 B
Welcome speech
chair or co-chair committee


제 2전시관 7/8홀 內 컨퍼런스 룸 B
Smart Manufacturing with a Decentralized and Distributed Regime
Prof. Xun Xu ┃NAMRI/SME Scientific Committee Chair-Elect, University of Auckland
In an effort to take on the unprecedented challenges of volatile global demand, together with the mandate of sustainable digital transformation, manufacturing systems need to be robust, agile, and smart with sometimes extreme ASAP-delivery capabilities. Contemporary digital capabilities and advances over widespread networks promise new ways of meeting the challenges. These capabilities are for example high-power computation, cloud and edge computing services, and lower-cost sensing, many of which have been captured in Industry 4.0 in the form of the Industrial Internet, Cyber-physical Production Systems, and Digital Twins. This talk intends to address manufacturing control and manufacturing intelligence in a distributed and decentralised manner for smart manufacturing where distributed and autonomously acting components, machines, service robots, and other systems work collectively to give adaptability, flexibility, and even self-healing and self-learning characteristics. The concept and related enabling technologies also contribute to a factory-factory co-manufacturing paradigm, i.e. cloud manufacturing. Distributed control of manufacturing equipment at the field level is a challenge; so is distributed decision-making and intelligence for a manufacturing system. When machine control with real-time requirements is distributed among the network-connected nodes, what machining error does the control architecture induce, and how to quantify the error? When a disturbance occurs in a manufacturing system where multiple facilities are present, how does the system adapt to the disturbance for continued production? These are some of the questions that this talk intends to shed light on some possible.

Invited Speaker

제 2전시관 7/8홀 內 컨퍼런스 룸 B
Novel Evaluation Method for Motion Trajectory of Machine Tool Feed Drives Based on Human Visual Sensitivity
Prof. Ryuta Sato┃Nagoya University
Machined surface quality is typically evaluated based on their visibility through human eyes, especially in dies and molds, and designed surfaces such as smart phone cases. Visible glitches are frequently observed on the surface due to imperfection of motion trajectory of machine tool feed drives. Regarding the problem, it is empirically known that the visibility of the glitches is not directly related with size of the errors. This study proposes a novel motion trajectory evaluation method based on human visual sensitivity related with surface quality. The human visual sensitivity is investigate based on the reflectance model and the visible limit of the geometrical property is formulated. Motion trajectories are evaluated based on the investigated visual sensitivity to demonstrate validity of the proposed method.